Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 1 Breakfast: Gruel

It is day one. I woke up and took the pills from the cleansing kit I bought, along with a big glass of water, then waited 30 minutes before eating as the instructions indicated. Then I heated up some amaranth I cooked last night, to make a porridge.

This "recipe" is quite loose, because I don't often measure things. Last night I cooked about a cup of dry amaranth (similar to quinoa, a seed that is cooked and eaten as a grain) and put it in the fridge so that I will have it on hand for the next couple days. This morning I simply heated it up with some unsweetened almond milk and a dollop of macadamia nut butter. I sweetened it with half a packet of Xylitol, which is apparently acceptable to use on the candida diet. Ideally I would eat this with blueberries, but I am waiting to see if I can find some within my price range! Why is it that only the most expensive fruits are allowed on this diet?

Now that I have eaten that I will go and make myself some green tea. Not the worst breakfast in the world.

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